Quick List
- Prof. Shingai Mutambirwa on Erection Problems
- How erectile dysfunction (ED) affects men and their partners
- Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction with Surgical Implants or Prostheses
- Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction with Intracavernousal Injections
- Treating Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction
- Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction with Medications
- Ejaculation Problems
- Erectile Dysfunction – Definition
- Erectile Dysfunction Causes
Erectile dysfunction, as with many other sexual dysfunctions, affects both men and their partners.

15th September 201513:06
This is highly specialized surgery performed by a urologist. It is important to find a urologist who is experienced in…
Treatment of erectile dysfunction with Intracavernousal injections is regarded as second line therapy and is generally used when oral treatments have failed. Men are taught to inject themselves in the side of the penis with alprostadil alone or in combination with paparevine and or phentolamine.

15th September 201512:57
Psychogenic ED is caused predominantly by psychological problems and is curable. It requires referral to a sexologist or psychologist for psycho-sexual counselling.